Submitted page for a charity zine
Tapestry-style ‘poster’ for
a theoretical production


In my illustration work, I often lean towards physical and textural pieces as I greatly appreciate the sensory nature of material, and believe it conveys alternative ways of understanding a piece.  I first fell in love with materials and collaging in my third year of my Illustration degree - I was designing a series of covers (displayed below) for Dara McAnulty’s Diary of a Young Naturalist, a non-fiction work about Dara’s unique connections with nature as an autistic individual. The language used was heavily sensory-based, so evoked sights, sounds and sensations of physical touch.
This was such a core message in both the book and in my own personal life that I felt it was imoprtant to manifest these as textural and tangible imagery.
From this project in 2022, I have taken this forward in my personal and commercial work as something that defines creative process.

(It’s also always a fun challenge to photograph pieces like these to try and match the effect the give off in real life!)
Three cover variants for ‘Diary of a Young Naturalist’ submitted as an entry for the Penguin Student Design Awards (2022)
Personal piece submitted for
the World Illustration Awards (2022)
Piece submitted for a charity zine (2024),